Rank, Tenure and Salary Committee Report


The Committee has met several times this semester and has completed its work on the following proposals.

  1. A proposal to change the wording in the tenure guidelines of the Faculty handbook to allow the Director of the Library to serve on Tenure Committees for library faculty.
  1. Proposals for leave for:
    1. Birth of a child
    2. Adoption of a child
    3. Family medical reasons
    4. Extending the Tenure Probationary Period: We hope to write a proposal for a policy to delineate faculty rights in this area.
  1. Proposal for extending the probationary period for tenure

Items remaining to be considered by the committee:

  1. Should there be a University Tenure Committee? We are beginning talks concerning what we should attempt in this area.

Respectfully submitted,

Dwight M. Olson, Committee Chair